Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oh no!! Another one!!

So my roommates have gotten all into blogs, with Ilarene creating a blog for London, and Michelle creating a blog for...whatever she's creating one for. So it made me want to update my blog. This is actually a really old story. This is my friend Greg. Greg is marrying my roommate Aimee. Greg was drawn by my friend J.J. J.J. is marrying my roommate Erin. Basically both Greg and J.J. are amazing. I don't know why I started blogging about my roommates' fiances. Kinda weird, eh?
Speaking of "Eh?" I've introduced my roommates to my favorite Canadian show called "Corner Gas." It's basically the Canadian version of Seinfeld. It's about nothing. And it's great. We like it. I brought back one disk from home, and I think Erin has watched all of the episodes. But I don't know. Um...I think I'm going to go to the store now, but I am unsure. But here's the new thing. I've posted. Twice. In one month. It's a freakin miracle!