Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where have all the good guys gone?

Well, you dragged it out of me. I'm weddinged out. Remember back in February when all of those people were getting engaged?? Well, now they're all getting married. It's a good thing I love them all!!!

Aimee (my former roommate) married Greg on June 13, 2009. It was such a good day! I loved being able to be on the temple grounds and feel the spirit that is there. The luncheon and the reception were equally as good. My favorite moment of the day had to be when, during the luncheon, Greg said, and I quote "Aimee has been such a huge part of my life, and I know she'll just get huger..." Laughter ensued. It was great.

Ilarene, Michelle, and I were able to get together to help support Aimee and Greg on their special day. It was sort of rainy, but it when Aimee and Greg came out of the temple, it cleared up nicely. As soon as they were done with pictures, it started pouring rain again!!!

All of the friends that came to support Aimee and Greg. Yay for eternity!!!

On June 6th, my good friend Melissa DeWeese was married in the Bountiful Temple. I am so happy for her!! It's so good to see the people I love making the right choices. I love her and her family. They are pretty much amazing. Her mom made those purple bridesmaid dresses! She is incredible! Yeah. They are all beautiful.


Betherd said...

Jealous!!! I wish that I could have been there... but it's ok we will be together at Erin and JJ's!

J.J. Despain said...

I hope you're not too weddinged out to go to my wedding! My advice to you? If you feel a hint of weddingedoutness, avoid any and all chick flicks, at all costs.

Anyway, see you in a little less than eight weeks. Hope your summer is awesome!

J.J. Despain said...

Whoops! That was some shoddy mathematical work there. I should have said: "...a little more six weeks." If I didn't correct that, I would never hear the end of it from Erin.