Thursday, July 9, 2009


So I returned from my family reunion yesterday. We have been going to this place up Spanish Fork Canyon for the past 4 years, and we love it. It is a big house (approx. 12000 sq. feet) and it has room to hold our family as we continue to grow. This Cabin (that's what we call our family reunion) really meant a lot to me this year, as I most likely will not be attending next years reunion, and I might miss the next one as well. This year we did what was called "The 2009 Slumber Olympics". We had different events like tossing frisbees, obstacle courses, tossing frogs into a bucket...etc. It was really good. The thing that I think impressed me the most was the fact that during these events, everyone was cheering for you. Everyone cheered when you succeeded, and when you didn't, they felt bad with you. They encouraged you to keep trying and to do your best. It was how I feel life is. When you succeed in life, your family is so happy and excited for you. When you don't, they hurt with you, but they are right there to lift you back up again and to encourage you to do better. These past few days have really meant a lot to me. It has made me realize just how blessed I am to have the family that I do. As I have talked to other people, I find it odd how they don't know members of their family, or they don't like them or whatever. I love my family, and I am so grateful for the temples in which my family will hopefully become an eternal family.

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