Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So right now I'm sitting in Erin's living room. Watching the Emperor's New Groove. No, I did not come down just to watch this movie. Actually, it is for something slightly cooler than this movie. But only slightly so because this movie is so awesome. After 6 freakin long months, my friends Erin and J.J. will finally become husband and wife. That is so odd. But so incredibly good. Anyone who has talked to me knows that this hasn't been the easiest things for me. But as the wedding approaches, I feel nothing but happiness for them. I know that this is the happiest Erin has ever been, and I know that it is because of J.J. I am so excited for them and the special covenants they will make to each other and Heavenly Father on Friday. So as I get up tomorrow and get the pedicure, and go to the grooms dinner (all the time trying to keep Erin sane), know that while this may seem huge now, the important thing is that they are getting married, and that this is something that should last into the eternities, and I have complete confidence that it will. Erin and J.J. have been such good friends to me. I love them both so much, and am so happy for them to get married. And in the meantime, I'll just try and get used to the humidity : )

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