Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon. Of course.

I have a confession to make. I went to the midnight showing of New Moon. Why? I'm not entirely sure. A couple of weeks ago, Ilarene's roommate asked if we wanted to come. We said sure. Once again, I'm not sure why. I think it was our indifference to the Twilight series that made it seem humorous. We also got a ticket for my old roommate, Michelle Mariel Parker I, who is down here from California for a week.

So last night, we all bundled up and headed out to the movie theater. The line was long. We got there about an hour before it started, and we were at the end of the line. Silly us. At one point, a couple of guys came around with a camera and started asking us questions about why we were there and about our love for Twilight. We were trying to defend our dignity by saying that at least we weren't like the people at the front of the line, who had been waiting for 10 hours. Somehow though, the conversation turned, and I decided to be sarcastic. I said that I had had a chain in my room and that every day as it got closer to the opening of New Moon, I took a piece of paper off of the chain. Either I'm losing my sarcastic touch, or the guys were just really dim, because they believed me. They asked me how long the chain was. Thinking off the top of my head, I said 4 months. According to the guys, I was "hardcore". They then proceeded to ask me about why I loved Twilight. Not wanting to make them feel stupid by saying that I didn't even really care about the books, I decided to go along with it. So I told them that I was in love with Edward, and that his eyes were incredible. I went on for a little bit about Edward, and why I was in love with him. I had zero dignity left once that was over. We all laughed about it though.

As for the movie itself, I was pleasantly surprised. I guess when you go into a movie with incredibly low expectations, it doesn't make it difficult to like it. It was definitely better than the first movie. So much better. There were still some things that needed work, and there was one scene that had to be the cheesiest thing since my macaroni & cheese/Cheez-its dinner with my cheesecake dessert. But overall, I liked it. Shocker, eh?