Monday, January 11, 2010

Sad Letter Days

So my friends Erin & J.J. decided to write their very first Christmas/New Years letter, and then send them out to their friends. It was a very cute idea. Well, a few days ago I was over at Trent's apartment, and I saw that he had gotten his letter from Erin & J.J. I hadn't gotten my letter yet, so that made me kind of sad, but then I remembered that I hadn't been to my apartment yet that day, so it was probably there just waiting for me. I read the letter that Trent had received, and it was cute. I went home later that night, but I had just forgotten about it.

The next day, I was over at Ilarene's apartment and I saw that she had received their letter. I didn't think that was fair! I hadn't gotten my letter yet, and I wanted one, even though I already knew what it said. And I lived right next door to Ilarene! I mean, seriously! Did they forget about me? Well, I didn't really think that, because I know they would never forget about me. :)

So then on Friday, I came home from school and noticed that someone had put the mail on the table. On the table, there was a letter addressed to me! Yay!! It had finally looked like this.....

I decided that the mailman tried to use my letter to ward off an angry dog.

But it is good to know that the postal service cares about me!!

I thought it was really funny, and I got a good kick out of it. I showed it to Erin & J.J., and they thought it was pretty funny too. They then printed out another non-chewed on letter that I could have. Thanks to the postal service for adding some laughter to my life!

1 comment:

Betherd said...

It's ok, I didn't get one either (at least not while I was home and I don't think that my Mom has mentioned me receiving one), so at least you got one :(