Monday, October 12, 2009

Just another Manic Monday....

So I'm going to try and be better at blogging on a regular basis. My goal is to write something on Mondays and Thursdays. We'll see if that actually happens.

Before, I talked about my first chance to give blood. I'm fine now. Except for the nice big bruise on my arm. Since last Thursday, the three individual bruises on my arm have kind of grown together and then gotten bigger. If I had a camera right now, I would take a picture and post it along with this. Maybe I'll do that later on. It is very pretty.

So I was in the library today. I spend quite a bit of time there. It has especially become my favorite since I discovered the juvenile section of the library. I am currently in a Children's Literature class where we are required to read 42 books over the course of the semester (no worries, though, because 24 of them are pictures books, and the rest are books that I've been wanting to read anyways). As I do not own a lot of books (or I don't have them with me here at least) and I do not have a lot of money to buy them, I am relying a lot on the library. I've become a bookworm again. I used to read so much in junior high and high school, but since coming to college I've discovered that if I read books that I don't have to read, I feel guilty because I know that I have other homework that I need to do. But for this class, I love to do the reading! It's fantastic to have to read a book that I actually want to read.

1 comment:

Betherd said...

I took that class in high school from BYU independent study, I loved it---awesome class!