Sunday, September 28, 2008

Erin owes Ice Cream!!!!

ERIN OWES US ICE CREAM!!!!! So, long story short. Basically right before we got to the Canadian border on our trip up to Canada, Erin calls me (it's like 1:30 am) and says, "Guess what. He kissed me!!" (He being J.J. Despain). You know what that means girlie....ICE CREAM!!! So I got back on Monday night, and we had our girls night with ice cream on Tuesday night. We practically had to pull her away from J.J. though....9:30 does not equal 9:31. Sorry love, it doesn't. I'm pretty sure she was annoyed with us, but whatever. She got to see him again that night anyhow. And I told her that there was a good chance that these pictures would end up on facebook (but note, I said "good chance." That doesn't mean they will.) She asked me not to put them up though, which I suppose is understandable. She never said anything though about not putting them up on my blog. Besides, a whole lot less people look at my blog than facebook (like my grammar?) So that's the story. At least in a nutshell : )
If I know Erin (and I do....REALLY WELL), I will get crap about putting this picture on my blog.
I brought back Smarties from our Canada trip. That's right. Smarties. These are Canadian Smarties, better than M&Ms. They are filled with chocolate..and pretty much amazing!! Just for the record, what we call smarties down here, they call "rockets" up there. Whatev. It all works out.
Michelle and Ilarene laughing about something. I'm not quite sure what, but I think it was pretty funny. Maybe it was me....
Michelle, Ilarene and Erin. Erin thinks she looks gross. I think she looks beautiful.
This was the second picture we took because Erin did not like the first one. Too bad both of them are ending up on here anyways!! I'm pretty sure I'll hear about too as soon as she is done reading this.
She is an amazing ice scooperuper. It was good.


Erin Despain said...

You are so right about you getting crap from me about these pictures...I would definitely say something to you right now, but you're asleep. Some of these pictures are so not flattering. Ug. But it's okay I guess. Remember, I'm supposed to work on not being embarrassed. I guess this is where I'm going to begin. And by the way...I love you tons and tons! You are an amazing roommate! :)

Betherd said...

Jamie I would have to say that Erin was considerably nice in her comments back- she could deserve to be a lot worse. Though I love that you put these up, with your comments it almost makes it like I am there. Side Note to Erin: You should have known that Jamie would find some way to slide past her promise. I love you both tons!!!!!!! (yeah one exclamation mark wouldn't do it justice :D)