Saturday, September 27, 2008


It's us!!! We decided to go mini-golfing to "celebrate" the fact that Ammon graduated, and then to have a little going away shindig, because Ammon decided to join the National Guard. That means a lot of time at Basic Training in Oklahoma, and then a lot more time in Arizona doing training for whatever it is he is going to do as his job in the Guard. I think he's going to fly remote controlled airplanes, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyways, we aren't going to really see him at all until next summer, I think, when he gets ready to go on his mission, and then he'll be gone another two years!! Dang I'm gonna miss that kid for sure........
Yep...we're good. And then there's Ammon.... : )
But we love him anyways.
There we go...the beautiful girls!! Aren't we just amazing??
Okay, so once we done with golfing, Rachael and Ammon decided they wanted to ride this pelican thing. So they put a quarter in, and then they rode it, and Cameron and I rode it, and Emily rode was a dang good ride for just a quarter.
Siblings!! Cameron really is amazing. I love him sooo much!!
Emily and her adorableness. Her pants are stellar too!
Emily and her amazing golfer-face stuff....yeah.
Rachael's pretty much amazing!! I love her!
And then there's me, the silver medalist in this the Mini Golf Olympics at Liberty Land.
Oh Ammon....gotta love it.
And then here' s Cameron. He's a pretty awesome little bro, and I love him tons!

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