Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Moment I Saw You Cry

Oh my. Life has been kind of ridiculous the past couple of days. I've been on an emotional roller coaster which doesn't always happen to me. I've never been one to cry a lot. I do not like crying in front of people. The way I perceive it, when I cry, I am not allowing myself to be in control. I don't mind it when other people cry. Heaven knows, I see a lot of it. And that doesn't bother me. It's when I cry. When I feel like I'm losing control. I feel stupid, even though I know that I'm not. What I hate more than crying around people is crying by myself. When I cry, I want someone to see me, even though I don't. I hardly ever cry alone. When that happens, I feel like I am pitying myself. Which I hate.

I don't like to cry.
When I do, it's because of something important.
I will hardly ever cry for no reason (I've done it once).
My face hurts once I'm done.
And my eyes are red.
That is all.

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