Friday, February 26, 2010


Prayer is such an amazing thing. The more I pray, the stronger my testimony grows. Last night, Ilarene was looking for some star stickers that she had bought to put on her students' tests once she was done grading them. She was looking all over her room, and she just could not find them. I was helping her look for them as well, but neither of us were having much success. Finally, I just said a little prayer in my heart, pleading for Heavenly Father to help us find them. I thought to look by her planner in her backpack, and there they were.

The stars were not that big of a deal. Her students would have gotten the same grade with or without the stars. Heavenly Father knew this. He could have just said "You know what? It's not that important. Life will go on." But he knew how important they were to Ilarene, as did I, and He decided to answer my prayer. I think, in times like these, he answers my prayers just so I will know that he answers prayers. When I really need a prayer answered, I will know that just because I don't feel like I am getting a response doesn't mean that I am not, because I will have learned that He answers even the prayers about trivial matters.

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