Monday, February 22, 2010

Pretty Flowers

So I came back from Christmas break to find every other girl wearing these yarn head wrap thingys. I guess I missed the memo. As I was in the bookstore the other day, I saw these really cute crocheted headbands with a crocheted flower attached to them. It only cost $20. My first thought was I can totally make something like this for a lot cheaper than that! So on Sunday, when I went home, I found a pattern online, and my mom and I made a crocheted flower to attached to a headband. Ta da!!

See? Aren't I cute? :)

A better shot of the flower on the side.

The flower: close up and personal.

I made that! And it only took me like an hour, maybe, once I figured out the pattern!

I've made 3 more flowers since then. Basically they've been when I've been bored. But they are so much fun to make! And a lot cheaper than $20!

1 comment:

Betherd said... can show me how to make those when I get home, they are super cute and I love them!